Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back to School Already????

I cannot believe the summer is over. It seems like just yesterday the kids were getting out of school. So here we are at the time when I think most people believe the new year really begins.

Not long ago I had a conversation with some teachers asking them what they wished parents knew about making the school year great. I thought you might be interested in some of the things they shared with me.

Be informed - read information sent home by teachers. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If your school has a website, check it out frequently. You are the best advocate for your child.

Be responsible - stay on top of permission slips that need to be signed. Attend parent/teacher/student conferences, even when your child is in high school this is important.

Be a good role model - your child is watching your every move. Show respect for school rules - even if you don't agree with them.

Be reasonable - if you want to meet with a teacher, schedule a time to do so instead of trying to catch them in the hall between classes.

If your child is sick keep him/her home from school - enough said.

Encourage good homework habits - help your child learn how to manage his/her homework. Resist the temptation to do it for him/her.

Keep your teacher informed - talk to your child's teacher about anything that may impact your child's performance or behavior at school. If your child is dealing with grief, divorce, nervousness over an upcoming event, this is helpful and important information to share with the teacher.

Express appreciation - teachers work to inspire their students to be lifelong learners. They often spend long hours preparing and planning to make the classroom environment conducive to learning and a great experience for our children. Saying "thank you" would be a good thing!

Here's to a terrific school year!!!

1 comment:

Bryon said...

Sounds like some good points, as with a good marriage, communication seems to be the key!